Running critical components requires a completely different mindset when the required uptime is five nines. Can a service even have a 99.999% uptime guarantee? It's easy to promise, but delivering on that is something else. What works at two or three nines can't work when components become critical. The math actually tells us this.
You'll get a full review of how we managed to promise such a high up time, if it is even possible to make it happen, and how we think about it. From this talk attendees will learn key trade-offs in elevating the reliability of their solutions.
Key Takeaways — The core components of a highly reliable solution, Lessons learned in the process, Architecture strategies to increase the reliability.
- Slides: Presentation Slides
- Conference: L8 Conf Warsaw 2025
For help understanding this article or how you can implement improved reliability or a similar architecture in your services, feel free to reach out to the Authress development team or follow along in the Authress documentation.